On January the first last year I wrote some resolutions namely, …
It’s new year’s day time to make resolutions. This year I plan to re-read Austen’s novels – starting with Sense and Sensibility. I’m going to read one of the biographies I own (possible the one by Claire Tomalin). I’m also going to read some of the books of criticism I have – starting with Malcolm Day’s Voices from the World of Jane Austen.
I’m also going to watch the adaptations I have – starting with Emma (E1).
What I’m not going to do is read any prequels, sequels or re-interpretations.
So it’s time to take stock: I didn’t re-read all of the novels I still have Northanger Abbey and Persuasion to go, I read one book of criticism (but not the Malcolm Day book) and I did read a prequels, sequels and re-interpretations. Although I now think deciding not to read them was a bad decision as it means I could be missing out on something fabulous (like The Three Weissmanns of Westport).
This year I did manage to read Lovers Vows (the play mentioned in Mansfield Park), watched Lost in Austen, two versions of Pride and Prejudice (1995 and 2005 – I even changed my mind about the 2005 version), read The Improvement of the Estate and Helen and I even read a couple of regency romances.
I’m disappointed I didn’t achieve more and this year one of my goals will be blogging more often.
My plan this year is to review the items in my collection (quite substantial) and to read (or watch) any Austen related material that comes my way – starting with A Truth Universally Acknowledged – 33 Great Writers on Why We Read Jane Austen.