Jane Austen’s Sewing Box – Jennifer Forest
I didn’t realise how long it was since my last post! This book, as you probably know, came out a while ago and I was strong and didn’t buy it. However, I like craft and I like Jane Austen, so it seemed the perfect book when I needed a bit of cheering up. It is a beautiful book with lovely pictures and illustrations. There is a brief introduction describing the regency era (with quotes from Austen’s novels) and a description of ‘women’s work’. Then it is into the projects: Letter Case, Linen, Workbag, Paper Flowers, Purses, Huswif, Carpet Work, Muff and Tippet, Pin Cushion and Thread Case, etc. There is historical information about each project as well as more beautiful images.
In the Letter Case Section
Ms Forest has found images that suit the project. The above image is included in the section on making a Letter Case.
Although, I can’t imagine ever making a cravat I liked seeing all of the different styles – very helpful for anyone who reads Georgette Heyer novels! You can make your own work bag.
Or a carpet work cushion.
And finally someone knitting – it looks like socks.
I am not sure I will make any of the projects, but it is beautiful and inspiring and I am glad I gave in to temptation.