I continue on my Jane Austen Adaptation Festival with the latest (2007) version of Northanger Abbey – I do prefer this one to the 1987 version. First, it has high production values – beautiful to look at, secondly Andrew Davies is the screenwriter and he always manages to be reasonably faithful to the novel, but ramps up the sexual tension a bit (Mr Darcy diving into the lake?).

See what I mean about it being a bit ‘sexed up’ – Isabella wondering if her and Captain Tilney are now engaged.
I thoroughly enjoyed this adaptation – even the extra bits added by Andrew Davies – I thought it was well cast (the two leads in particular). It is short (93 minutes), but manages to get across all of the important plot points.
More reviews …
Do you only ask what I can be expected to tell? A review of Northanger Abbey 2007
https://janeaustensworld.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/the-three-northanger-abbey-films/ – this one is worth reading!